Класна фотка!!! Мене приперло!=)

дівчина просто супер!!!!!!

фотка прикольна… людиною тебе теж можна назвати дуже прикольною… тримайся

ну моє фото набагато краще)

ну моє фото набагато краще)

Моє маленьке янголятко =)**


Фотка супер ))) І ти такаж ???

Хороше дівча…=)

Ну чому ти мені не віриш? Ти просто супер! Я кайфую… )

Ти така як ти є. І це прекрасно! Не зважай на те, що говорять тобі люди…
Life is what you make it…
Life is what you make it…

КОМУ ВНИЗ рулять!

She seen trust in all of me, stretched across my shame.
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through the cover in me
Id do anything ever to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I dont know what to do, I dont know what to do when she makes me sane.
She is everything to me
The unaquited dream
A song that no one sings
The unobtainable, Shes a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I dont know what to do, I dont know what to do when she makes me sane.
But I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
A catch in my throat
Choke, dawn into pieces I wont
No, I dont want to be this
But I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
She isnt real
I can make her real
She isnt real
I can make her real
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through the cover in me
Id do anything ever to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I dont know what to do, I dont know what to do when she makes me sane.
She is everything to me
The unaquited dream
A song that no one sings
The unobtainable, Shes a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I dont know what to do, I dont know what to do when she makes me sane.
But I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
A catch in my throat
Choke, dawn into pieces I wont
No, I dont want to be this
But I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
I wont let this build up inside of me
She isnt real
I can make her real
She isnt real
I can make her real

скажи будьласка, якшо не секрет, звідки беруться такі цікаві і всебічно-мудрі люди???
Я вражений такою обізнаністю…
Я вражений такою обізнаністю…

Все буде гарно, ти супер! Залишайся такою ж!