введіть норм дані, і обов*язково свій тел, ніяких тупих приколів, просто дійсно класно зробили) п.с. айпі телефонія рулз)
In 2007, Portuguese football club Sporting Portugal integrated a viral feature in their campaign for season seats. In their website, a video [16] required the user to input his name and phone number before playback started, which then featured the coach Paulo Bento and the players waiting at the locker room while he makes a phone call to the user telling him that they just can't start the season until the user buys his season ticket. Flawless video and phone call synchronization and the fact that it was a totally new experience for the user led to nearly 200,000 pageviews phone calls in less than 24 hours.
а ващє то відео по ходу вже наїбнулось((( якшо хтось найде робоче - маякніть.