| 47 | Розділ: Інше | 30 серпня 2009 20:34
Український торент трекер.Там все на українській мові починаючи від статей закінчуючи фільмами з професійним озвученням . Все на Українській . Незнаю як вам але мені більше подобаються фільми Українською .
Хочеш відповісти? Авторизуйся!

Blacklight | 30.08.09 20:54:28 | #

о, ще один, пасиб?))
+ ще такі є
знаю, що норм.

e | 30.08.09 20:55:49 | #

нємного офтоп, но откуда ти береш шо перед комами і крапками нада ставити пробіл? ні в одній книжці/газеті/журналі такого не буває

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 21:01:16 | #

Та шо за адміни ***** .Я ж спеціально написав всьо так красіво , з великих букв , і то ***** найшли за шо ся вчипити. Краще ***** зовсім не писати тут статті ***** чи шо , це мета адмінівпоказати , шо краще не писати статті , чи навчити людей грамотності. Взагалі то інтернет це відпочинок…

BlackTeddy | 30.08.09 22:29:14 | #

ти , гониш .

lobotomy party | 30.08.09 23:26:44 | #

вот і на морі люди думають, раз відпочинок, то можна туди срати

Rostyslav777 | 30.08.09 21:04:40 | #

Дякую корисна ссилка. Може колись і стане в нагоді!

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 21:05:00 | #

може давайте цю статтю переіменуємо і наповнимо усі можливи україномовними трекерами і обмінниками

Rostyslav777 | 30.08.09 21:06:29 | #

Та я теж купу українських торент-трекерів знаю,але щоб усе було на українській мові дуже рідко зустрічається!

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 21:09:24 | #

гуртом.ком - це вже якийсь український фанатизм, шувінізм…як на мене це "перегин палки"

Rostyslav777 | 30.08.09 21:11:09 | #

Ну чому перегин? Чому як тільки,щось на українській мові так одразу перегин,націоналізм,шовінізм,загроза мирному існуванню населення..

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 21:19:29 | #

це так само як україньске радіо на якому не можна "крутити" російську музику, я розумію ставити "вето" на формат(стиль, напрям), але до чого тут мова?? мистецтво повинне бути автономне

Pooh | 30.08.09 21:21:57 | #

я не зовсім згоден, в принципі, для фанатів українського дубляжу сайт, з фільмами перекладеними тільки на державну, досить корисний.
хоча кошерно дивитись на мові оригіналу з субтитрами, якщо не знаєш мови.

Lanz | 30.08.09 21:22:40 | #

fixed: для фанатів Українського дубляжу сайт

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 21:23:13 | #

я мав на увазі оригінал…і власне музику

Rostyslav777 | 30.08.09 21:24:23 | #

Не спорю,але то просто сайт,який люди робили під себе та однодумців і вони зробили його таким як хочуть бачити! Не подобається не заходь,ніхто ж не силує! Просто іноді потрібно,щось україномовне,але серед маси всього іншого його важко знайти,а така ситематизація дуже допомагає!

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 21:26:05 | #

знайти можна все…головне знати що ти шукаєш

Rostyslav777 | 30.08.09 21:31:28 | #

Знати завжди знаєш,що потрібно,але от затрачати купу часу на пошуки і переривання непотрібного матеріалу я думаю зайве!

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 21:12:18 | #

та йопересете шо ти вчипився того перегин палки, то на тобі качай там

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 21:09:31 | #

я завжди тіки тим сайтом користуюсь , там і ігри на нашій мові і віс новини короче всьо

Lanz | 30.08.09 21:11:33 | #

Вам не похуй звідки качати?

MuhaMed | 30.08.09 21:14:04 | #

трохи з нього накачав - в основному книжки, фільми, і Саус Парк

Pooh | 30.08.09 21:14:30 | #

вірите, якщо кожен зараз кинеться створювати статтю про кожен трекер, сайт, фільм, групу, порно, картину, самольот який він мав змогу відчувати своїми чутливими органами чуття - це буде дещо плачевно. і це стосується не тільки цієї статті.
а саме на цьому трекері, як я зрозумів, тяжко шукати торенти і з топу мене не зацікавило взагалі нічого.

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 21:19:54 | #

бо ти нічим не цікавився. Ну добре вже мої мізки дуже виграні , вихожу з сайту нахер

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 21:24:25 | #

ДоПОбачення . ПОЛБАЧИМОсь . у . ПеКлІ .,,…,,.,.. ( написав так , шоб подразнити всіх естетів шо поставили мені мінуси за неграмотність )

Blacklight | 30.08.09 21:29:47 | #

Тут ти маеш нагоду спілкуватися не із простолюдами, а людьми, душевна організація яких знаходиться на достойному рівні. Ніхто з нас/них/його/її не буде терпіти в себе на моніторі неграмотно оформлену статтю, без власного доробку, або комент, складающийся з одного смайлика. Тому, спочатку просьорф нічо не пишучи форум хотяби тиждень, пойми суть структуру і організацію цього дітища, і тоді, можливо, схожих конфузних ситуацій не складатиметься, але, повторюю, можливо.
Адіос амігос! Лєті, пливи, передавай на просторах вебу благувесть про наші правила і нашу привітність!

Bazzillio | 30.08.09 21:51:28 | #

десь так, але важливо не перегнути палку і не стати гуртком снобів
такі "спільноти" в неті вже єсть

Blacklight | 30.08.09 22:39:18 | #

Нам світить Лепра?)

Blacklight | 30.08.09 22:39:48 | #

хД, а це доволі гонсько )

ArArAt | 30.08.09 22:36:35 | #

Знаю, класний трекер. Зареєстрований там з 4 травня 2009 року.

дикун | 30.08.09 23:07:02 | #

гарний сайт, дякую.

d|D | 30.08.09 23:21:44 | #

фільми укр. мовою… О.О 90% шлак як на мене.

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 23:23:05 | #

та ну ти не шариш…чого тільки Сімпсони варті)))

дикун | 01.09.09 15:39:13 | #

понад 90% фільмів шлак безвідносно до мови дублювання

Bunny | 30.08.09 23:38:32 | #

прочитала "гумор.ком".
нєєє, терпіти не можу фільми з укр дубляжем

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 23:52:38 | #

то от яке майбутнє України. Не знав шо русифікація буде так швидко

Andrew:) | 30.08.09 23:54:30 | #

ти ж вже прощався і збирався йти геть

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 23:42:47 | # - почитайте !!!

BlackTeddy | 30.08.09 23:56:28 | #

Народ, поясніть, як дивитись онлайн фільми на, захожу на сторінку з фільмом ы шо далі?

Lanz | 30.08.09 23:57:18 | #

нажимаєш кнопку "играть". і все. ну ще може нажми "показать проигрыватель". в мене зразу його відкриває.

baklazhanzzhot | 30.08.09 23:58:40 | #

бля раз на те пішло то скажіть шо робити в 3 рівні думу ІІІ

Патлатий | 01.09.09 13:33:37 | #

Гарний трекер. Я вже давно цим трекером користуюся, скачав звідти "Всі жінки відьми" українською, інші серіали. Класно, що там українські фільми завжди золоті. Ну, і кажуть, що адміни нормальні, класні, порівняно з деякими трекерами.
Ну та й іншими трекерами теж користуюся. Он, поки був золотий серпень на торентс.нет.уа, я на цьому трекері скачав кілька десятків фільмів.
В принципі, я про цей трекер і так знаю, а хто не знає, то для них гарна інформація. Багато українських фільмів можна звідти скачати, якщо сідери, звісно, є)

Патлатий | 01.09.09 13:42:42 | #

А якщо обговорювати всі трекери, то можна надати коротку характеристику з моєї точки зору. - класний. - нормальний. - не користувався. - не користувався. - не користувався. Але чув, що там адміни - зло. - не користувався, збирався скористатися, скачати такий торент
"Metal - Hard Rock Covers 1-123 (2007)"

Для незареганих на тому трекері наводжу список файлів в тому торенті
"Metal-Hard Rock Covers 1
01 - Strawberry Slaughterhouse - Kids In America (Kim Wilde)
02 - Dungeon - Call Me (Blondie)
03 - Afterworld - Money Money Money (Abba)
04 - Angel Dust - Easy Living (Uriah Heep)
05 - Angra - Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)
06 - Mushroomhead - Crazy (Seal)
07 - Zeromancer - Send Me An Angel (Real Life)
08 - Axxis - Na Na, Hey Hey, Kiss Him Goodbye (Steam)
09 - Blind Guardian - Mr Sandman (The Chordettes)
10 - Sinner - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 2
01 - Jeff Scott Soto feat. Glenn Hughes - I Want To Take You Higher (Sly & The Family Stone)
02 - Kovenant - The Memory Remains (Metallica)
03 - Wonderland - Hello (Lionel Richie)
04 - Evereve - House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals)
05 - Lana Lane - Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)
06 - In Flames - Land Of Confusion (Genesis)
07 - Paragon - Fighting For The Earth (Warrior)
08 - Sentenced - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
09 - Helloise - Eloise (Barry Ryan)
10 - Ten Masked Men - Baby One More Time (Britney Spears)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 3
01 - Alien - The Air That I Breathe (The Hollies)
02 - Exodus - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (ACDC)
03 - Deathstars - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
04 - Dan Lucas - Hot Stuff (Donna Summer)
05 - At Vance - Highway Star (Deep Purple)
06 - Chimaira - Balls To The Wall (Accept)
07 - Drain STH - 20th Century Boy (T-Rex)
08 - Zeraphine - In Your Room (Depeche Mode)
09 - Gotthard - Hush (Joe South)
10 - Children Of Bodom - She Is Beautiful (Andrew WK)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 4
01 - Gothic Knights - Hungry Like The Wolf (Duran Duran)
02 - HIM - Solitary Man (Neil Diamond)
03 - Children Of Bodom - Bed Of Nails (Alice Cooper)
04 - Gene Simmons - Firestarter (The Prodigy)
05 - Lullacry - Head Like a Hole (Nine Inch Nails)
06 - Dark At Dawn - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
07 - Firewind - Little Savage (Yngwie Malmsteen)
08 - Emil Bulls - Take On Me (Aha)
09 - Jaded Heart - Easy Lover (Phil Collins)
10 - Georgia Satellites - Whole Lotta Shakin' (The Swinging Blue Jeans)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 5
01 - Shadows Fall - Welcome To The Machine (Pink Floyd)
02 - Sinner - Balls To The Wall (Accept)
03 - Mnemic - Wild Boys (Duran Duran)
04 - Shameless - Hard Dayz Nite (The Beatles)
05 - Blind Guardian - Surfin' USA (The Beach Boys)
06 - Sevendust - Schools Out (Alice Cooper)
07 - Primal Fear - The Rover (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Sonata Arctica - World In My Eyes (Depeche Mode)
09 - Mercenary - Music Non Stop (Kent)
10 - Skylark - When Love And Hate Collide (Def Leppard)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 6
01 - Atrocity - Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)
02 - The Donnas - Living After Midnight (Judas Priest)
03 - At Vance - Shout (Tears For Fears)
04 - Valensia - Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
05 - Sonata Arctica - Die With Your Boots On (Iron Maiden)
06 - A Perfect Circle - Imagine (John Lennon)
07 - The Rasmus - Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr)
08 - Vice Squad - Enter Sandman (Metallica)
09 - Clawfinger - Vienna (Ultravox)
10 - Stahlhammer - Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 7
01 - Glenn Tipton - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
02 - Manigance - Future World (Pretty Maids)
03 - Edguy - Hymn (Ultravox)
04 - At Vance - Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor)
05 - Ebony Ark - What A Feeling (Irene Cara)
06 - Hearse - Cambodia (Kim Wilde)
07 - Dragonland - The Neverending Story (Limahl)
08 - Darkwell - Twist In My Sobriety (Tanita Tikaram)
09 - Living Colour - Sunshine of Your Love (Cream)
10 - Ghost Machinery - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 8
01 - Custard - Send Me An Angel (Scorpions)
02 - Sentenced - Creep (Radiohead)
03 - My Ruin - Tainted Love (Soft Cell)
04 - The Wounded - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)
05 - Manticora - Future World (Pretty Maids)
06 - Sator - Ring Ring (Abba)
07 - Sonata Arctica - The Wind Beneath My Wings (Bette Midler)
08 - Stahlhammer - Boom, Shake The Room (Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince)
09 - Sirenia - First We Take Manhatten (Leonard Cohen)
10 - Nevermore - The Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 9
01 - Bonfire - The First Cut Is The Deepest (Cat Stevens)
02 - Arabesque - Stargazer (Rainbow)
03 - Stahlhammer - U Can't Touch This (MC Hammer)
04 - Darren Smith Band - Love Hurts (Nazareth)
05 - Xentrix - Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr)
06 - Crane - American Pie (Don Mclean)
07 - Thunderstorm - In A Gadda Da Vida (Iron Butterfly)
08 - Yngwie Malmsteen - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (Abba)
09 - Sentenced - I Wanna Be Somebody (WASP)
10 - Demons & Wizards - White Room (Cream)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 10
01 - Flotsam And Jetsam - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting (Elton John)
02 - Epica - Memory (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
03 - Therion - Polar Nights (Scorpions)
04 - Dweezil Zappa - Stayin' Alive (Bee Gees)
05 - Bonfire - Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
06 - Godhead - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
07 - Sentenced - House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals)
08 - Tad Morose - Losing More Than You've Ever Had (Accept)
09 - Drain STH - Ace Of Spades (Motorhead)
10 - Entwine - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 11
01 - Korn - Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd)
02 - Slamo - Message In The Bottle (The Police)
03 - Moon Of Steel - Anybody Listening (Queensryche)
04 - Lemur Voice - Beat It (Michael Jackson)
05 - To Die For - It's A Sin (Pet Shop Boys)
06 - Placebo - Daddy Cool (Boney M)
07 - Masterplan - Black Dog (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Slayer - In A Gadda Da Vida (Iron Butterfly)
09 - Twyster - The Sun Always Shines On TV (Aha)
10 - Scanner - Innuendo (Queen)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 12
01 - Atrocity - Shout (Tears For Fears)
02 - WASP - Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting (Elton John)
03 - At Vance - Desperado (The Eagles)
04 - Blind Guardian - To France (Mike Oldfield)
05 - Altaria - Balls To The Wall (Accept)
06 - After Forever - Who Wants To Live Forever (Queen)
07 - Audiovision - Love Is Like Oxygen (The Sweet)
08 - Atmosfear - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
09 - Warmen - Alone (Heart)
10 - Backmask - Genie In A Bottle (Christina Aquilera)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 13
01 - Domain - Day Tripper (The Beatles)
02 - Entwine - Tears Are Falling (Kiss)
03 - Edguy - I'll Cry For You (Europe)
04 - Disturbed - Shout (Tears For Fears)
05 - Brainstorm - Amarillo (Tony Christie)
06 - Avalanch - Where The Streets Have No Name (U2)
07 - Doro - Barracuda (Heart)
08 - Eldritch - My Sharona (The Knack)
09 - Atrocity - Wild Boys (Duran Duran)
10 - Eyes Of Shiva - Alone (Heart)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 14
01 - Frost - Fight Fire With Fire (Kansas)
02 - Lanfear - Twilight (ELO)
03 - Hammerfall - Detroit Rock City (Kiss)
04 - Mandrake - Who's That Girl (Eurythmics)
05 - Metalium - Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
06 - Lullacry - L O V E Machine (WASP)
07 - Lefay - Cocaine (Eric Clapton)
08 - Judas Priest - The Green Manalishi (With The Two Pronged) (Fleetwood Mac)
09 - Macbeth - How Can Heaven Love Me (Sarah Brightman)
10 - Heavens Gate - This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us (Sparks)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 15
01 - Oratory - Eternal Flame (The Bangles)
02 - Metalium - Dust In The Wind (Kansas)
03 - Frost - Lack Of Communication (Ratt)
04 - Nonpoint - In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
05 - Nightwish - Walking In The Air (Aled Jones)
06 - Pink Cream 69 - 20th Century Boy (T-Rex)
07 - Millenium - I Surrender (Rainbow)
08 - Atrocity - Send Me An Angel (Real Life)
09 - Oliver Hartmann - Brazen (Skunk Anansie)
10 - Pain - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 16
01 - Primal Fear - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
02 - Atrocity - Tainted Love (Soft Cell)
03 - Rammstein - Stripped (Depeche Mode)
04 - Rob Zombie - Blitzkrieg Bop (The Ramones)
05 - Blind Guardian - Spread Your Wings (Queen)
06 - Seven Witches - Wasted (Def Leppard)
07 - Metalium - Burning (Accept)
08 - Rage - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
09 - Sinergy - Hanging On The Telephone (Blondie)
10 - Ring Of Fire - White Room (Cream)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 17
01 - To Die For - New Years Day (U2)
02 - Twilightning - Wind-Up Toy (Alice Cooper)
03 - Stygma IV - Music (John Miles)
04 - Atrocity - Don't Go (Yazoo)
05 - Thunderstone - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Metallica)
06 - Rage - Tom Sawyer (Kansas)
07 - TOC - Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
08 - Time Requiem - Voulez Vous (Abba)
09 - Tyr - The Wild Rover (The Dubliners)
10 - Sonata Arctica - Still Loving You (Scorpions)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 18
01 - Waltari - Vogue (Madonna)
02 - Blind Guardian - The Wizard (Uriah Heep)
03 - Bill Idol - Don't You Forget About Me (Simple Minds)
04 - Anthrax - Got The Time (Joe Jackson)
05 - Wig Wam - I Turn To You (Melanie C)
06 - Bif Naked - We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister)
07 - Wolf - (Don't Fear) The Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult)
08 - Catch The Rainbow - I Surrender (Rainbow)
09 - Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes (The Who)
10 - Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 19
01 - Tarot - Generation Clash (Accept)
02 - Graveworm - Losing My Religion (R.E.M.)
03 - Primal Fear - Seek And Destroy (Metallica)
04 - Lana Lane - Still Loving You (Scorpions)
05 - Metallica - 53rd And 3rd (The Ramones)
06 - Waltari - No Limit-Symphony Of Destruction (2 Unlimited-Megadeth)
07 - Moonlight - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
08 - Blind Guardian - Barbara Ann-Long Tall Sally (The Beach Boys-Eddie Cochran)
09 - Atrocity - Let's Dance (David Bowie)
10 - Joan Jett - We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 20
01 - Enertia - Cowboys From Hell (Pantera)
02 - Nuclear Assault - Ballroom Blitz (The Sweet)
03 - Orphaned Land - Mercy (Paradise Lost)
04 - Raven - Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf)
05 - Ayreon - No Quarter (Led Zeppelin)
06 - Crematory - One (Metallica)
07 - Blue Murder - Itchycoo Park (The Small Faces)
08 - Love & Hate - No One Like You (Scorpions)
09 - Khymera - Shadows (Mr Big)
10 - Ten Masked Men - Thriller (Michael Jackson)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 21
01 - Twilight Guardians - Bark At The Moon (Ozzy Osbourne)
02 - At Vance - Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor)
03 - Entwine - Carry On Dancing (Savage Garden)
04 - Valensia - We Will Rock You (Queen)
05 - Farmer Boys - Never Let Me Down Again (Depeche Mode)
06 - Spiderbait - Black Betty (Leadbelly)
07 - Imperia - The Lotus Eaters (Dead Can Dance)
08 - Headline - Battle Rages On (Deep Purple)
09 - Angelheart - Substitute (Clout)
10 - Primus - The Thing That Should Not Be (Metallica)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 22
01 - Machine Men - Freak (Bruce Dickinson)
02 - Edguy - The Spirit (Magnum)
03 - Scenes - Such A Shame (Talk Talk)
04 - Beseech - Devil's Plaything (Danzig)
05 - Gemini Five - You Spin Me Round (Dead Or Alive)
06 - Thunderstone - Wasted Years (Iron Maiden)
07 - Disturbed - Land Of Confusion (Genesis)
08 - The Gathering - Life Is What You Make It (Talk Talk)
09 - Jaded Heart - Paid My Dues (Anastacia)
10 - Fear Factory - I Will Follow (U2)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 23
01 - Freedom Call - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (Ultravox)
02 - Helloween - Sheer Heart Attack (Queen)
03 - F5 - What I Am (Edie Brickell)
04 - Wig Wam - I Was Made For Loving You (Kiss)
05 - Thy Majestie - In God We Trust (Stryper)
06 - Nickelback - Love Will Keep Us Together (Neil Sedaka)
07 - Frost - Cold As Ice (Foreigner)
08 - Divinefire - The Show Must Go On (Queen)
09 - Pink Cream 69 - Truth Hits Everybody (The Police)
10 - Black Majesty - Six Ribbons (Jon English)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 24
01 - Ozzy Osbourne - 21st Century Schizoid Man (King Crimson)
02 - Sober - No More Tears (Ozzy Osbourne)
03 - MSG - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
04 - Skew Siskin - All Day And All Of The Night (The Kinks)
05 - Dreamscape - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (Ultravox)
06 - Lacuna Coil - Stars (Dubstar)
07 - Helloween - Fast As A Shark (Accept)
08 - TNT - What A Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
09 - KISSettes - I Just Wanna (Kiss)
10 - Skylark - Moonlight Shadow (Mike Oldfield)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 25
01 - Ra - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (The Police)
02 - Span - Parasite (Kiss)
03 - Dogpound - Led Clones (Gary Moore)
04 - After Forever - The Evil That Men Do (Iron Maiden)
05 - Ozzy Osbourne - Sympathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones)
06 - Warmen - Somebody's Watching Me (Rockwell)
07 - Molly Hatchet - Hide Your Heart (Kiss)
08 - Skew Siskin - My Generation (The Who)
09 - Legion - Enter Sandman (Metallica)
10 - Fony - Perry Mason (Ozzy Osbourne)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 26
01 - Mystic Prophecy - Fighting The World (Manowar)
02 - British Whale - This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us (Sparks)
03 - Lucyfire - Sharp Dressed Man (ZZ Top)
04 - Delight - Careless Whisper (George Michael)
05 - Naked 'round The Block - Around The World (La La La La La) (ATC)
06 - Moon Of Steel - You Not Me (Dream Theater)
07 - Secret Sphere - Kings Of Metal (Manowar)
08 - Ballbreaker - Fight For Your Right To Party (Beastie Boys)
09 - Dope - People Are People (Depeche Mode)
10 - Opera Magna - Holding Out For A Hero (Bonnie Tyler)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 27
01 - Blind Guardian - Hallelujah (Deep Purple)
02 - Karelia - High Hopes (Pink Floyd)
03 - Nightwish - Over The Hills And Far Away (Gary Moore)
04 - Therion - Fight Fire With Fire (Metallica)
05 - Metalium - Music (John Miles)
06 - Thunderhead - Behind Blue Eyes (The Who)
07 - Cosmic Tribe - It's No Good (Depeche Mode)
08 - Impellitteri - Since You've Been Gone (Rainbow)
09 - Morgana Lefay - Lost Reflection (Crimson Glory)
10 - Biss - Raise The Hammer (Icon)

Metal-Hard Rock Cover 28
01 - Elegy - Rock And Roll (Led Zeppelin)
02 - Talisman - Crazy (Seal)
03 - Knorkator - Ma Baker (Boney M)
04 - A Perfect Circle - People Are People (Depeche Mode)
05 - Racer X - Moonage Daydream (David Bowie)
06 - Bowling for Soup - Summer of 69 (Bryan Adams)
07 - Type O Negative - Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young)
08 - Acid Drinkers - Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd)
09 - POD - Bullet the Blue Sky (U2)
10 - Life Of Agony - Dont You (Forget About Me) (Simple Minds)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 29
01 - Trouble - Porpoise Song (The Monkees)
02 - Soulfly - Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
03 - Babes in Toyland - We Are Family (Sister Sledge)
04 - Angelzoom - Crawling (Linkin Park)
05 - Pantera - Cat Scratch Fever (Ted Nugent)
06 - Left Hand Solution - Missionary Man (Eurythmics)
07 - Destruction - My Sharona (The Knack)
08 - WWIII - Fighting For The Earth (Warrior)
09 - Cradle Of Filth - Devil Woman (Cliff Richard)
10 - Sanctuary - White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 30
01 - Hammerfall - Angel Of Mercy (Chastain)
02 - Doro - A Whiter Shade Of Pale Of Shade (Procol Harum)
03 - Custard - Super Trouper (Abba)
04 - Gob - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
05 - Powerman 5000 - Relax (Frankie Goes To Hollywood)
06 - Aerosmith - Come Together (The Beatles)
07 - Metalium - Thank You For The Music (Abba).
08 - Black Ingvars - Larger Than Life (Backstreet Boys)
09 - Lillian Axe - No Matter What (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
10 - Stahlhammer - Out Of The Dark (Falco)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 31
01 - Leatherwolf - Bad Moon Rising (CCR)
02 - Fozzy - Big City Nights (Scorpions)
03 - Black Ingvars - Livin' La Vida Loca (Ricky Martin)
04 - Rough Silk - Take A Chance On Me (Abba)
05 - Donots - Were Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister)
06 - Ozzy Osbourne & Type O Negative - Pictures Of Matchstick Men (Status Quo)
07 - Dreadful Shadows - Twist In My Sobriety (Tanita Tikaram)
08 - Gotthard - Come Together (The Beatles)
09 - Talisman - Darling Nikki (Prince)
10 - Heir Apparent - The Sound of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 32
01 - Sargant Fury - Eagle (Abba)
02 - Umbra Et Imago - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
03 - Trouble - Tomorrow Never Knows (The Beatles).
04 - Limp Bizkit - Faith (George Michael)
05 - Patrick Rondat - Equinox IV (Jean-Michel Jarre)
06 - D.C. Cooper - Easy Living (Uriah Heep)
07 - Thunder - Gimme Some Lovin` (Spencer David Group)
08 - Rage - The Trooper (Irom Maiden)
09 - Black Ingvars - Beautiful Stranger (Madonna)
10 - Deftones - No Ordinary Love (Sade)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 33
01 - Lorihen - I Want It All (Queen)
02 - Primal Fear - Speed King (Deep Purple)
03 - Dokken - Heart Full Of Soul (The Yardbirds)
04 - Black Ingvars - The Bad Touch (Bloodhound Gang)
05 - Murderdolls - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
06 - Anvil - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
07 - Guns'N Roses - Knocking On Heavens Door (Bob Dylan)
08 - Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush)
09 - Holy Mother - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
10 - FM - I Heard It Though The Grape Vine (Marvin Gaye)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 34
01 - Aion - Temple Of Love (The Sisters Of Mercy)
02 - Sinergy - Gimme! Gimme Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (Abba)
03 - Ofunkillo - Get's Me Through (Ozzy Osbourne)
04 - Motorhead - Cat Scratch Fever (Ted Nugent)
05 - Intruder - (I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone (The Monkees)
06 - Domain - Over The Hills And Far Away (Gary Moore)
07 - The Kovenant - Spaceman (Babylon Zoo)
08 - Black Obelisk - Seek And Destroy (Metallica)
09 - Talisman - Let Me Entertain You (Queen)
10 - Ozzy Osbourne - Mississippi Queen (Mountain)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 35
01 - Jorn - Edge Of The Blade (Journey)
02 - Helloween - Rain (Status Quo)
03 - The Storyteller - Ace Of Spades (Motorhead)
04 - Kick Axe - With A Little Help From My Friends (The Beatles)
05 - Shameless - Kids In America (Kim Wilde)
06 - Black Label Society - No More Tears (Ozzy Osbourne)
07 - Paradise Lost - How Soon Is Now (The Smiths)
08 - At Vance - The Winner Takes It All (Abba)
09 - Giant - Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) (Robert Palmer)
10 - Riot - Here Comes The Sun (The Beatles)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 36
01 - Demon Drive feat. Lee Aaron - She's In Love With You (Suzi Quatro)
02 - Judas Priest - Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry)
03 - WASP - Mississippi Queen (Mountain)
04 - Dope - You Spin Me Right Round (Dead Or Alive)
05 - Heaven's Gate - Rock On (David Essex)
06 - Otyg - Holy Diver (Dio)
07 - Angra - Mama (Genesis)
08 - Lit - I Wanna Rock (Twisted Sister)
09 - Excel - Message In A Bottle (The Police)
10 - Georgia Satellites - Games People Play (Joe South)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 37
01 - Metal Church - Toys In The Attic (Aerosmith)
02 - Eleven feat. Josh Homme - Stone Cold Crazy (Queen)
03 - Jorn - The Day The Earth Caught Fire (City Boy)
04 - Grip Inc. - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
05 - Sodom - The Kids Wanna Rock (Bryan Adams)
06 - The Gathering - Life Is What You Make It (Talk Talk)
07 - Anthrax - Pipeline (The Chantays)
08 - Black Ingvars - Blue (Da Ba Dee) (Eiffel 65)
09 - Acid Drinkers - Proud Mary (CCR)
10 - Morgana Lefay - Voulez-Vouz (Abba)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 38
01 - Lawnmover Deth - Crazy Horses (The Osmonds)
02 - Great White - Gimme Some Lovin' (Spencer David Group)
03 - The 69 Eyes - Call Me (Blondie)
04 - Forbidden - 21st Century Schizoid Man (King Crimson)
05 - Queensryche - Scarborough Fair (Simon & Garfunkel)
06 - Black Ingvars - Mambo No. 5 (Lou Bega)
07 - Voivod - Batman (Nelson Riddle)
08 - Joe Lynn Turner - Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers)
09 - Angel Dust - Killer (Adamski)
10 . Eddie Ojeda feat. Dee Snider - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 39
01 - Naamah - She Is My Sin (Nightwish)
02 - Flowing Tears - One Of Us (Abba)
03 - Raven - Gimme Some Lovin' (Spencer David Cover)
04 - Foo Fighters - Baker Street (Gerry Rafferty)
05 - Skyclad - Come On Eileen (Dexy's Midnight Runners)
06 - Def Leppard - Only After Dark (Mick Ronson)
07 - Iron Savior - Crazy (Seal)
08 - James Murphy - Race With Devil On Spanish Highway (Al Di Meola)
09 - Mandrake - Stay (Shakespeare's Sisters)
10 - Squealer - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 40
01 - David Lee Roth - Tobacco Road (Jefferson Airplane)
02 - Los Los - Oye Como Va (Santana)
03 - Claymore - She Is My Sin (Nightwish)
04 - At Vance - I Surrender (Rainbow)
05 - Jorn - Burn (Deep Purple)
06 - Pretty Maids - 39 (Queen)
07 - Sepultura - Bullet The Blue Sky (U2)
08 - Iron Savior - This Flight Tonight (Joni Mitchell)
09 - At Vance - Money, Money, Money (Abba)
10 - Dreamland - All For One (Stryper)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 41
01 - Pink Cream 69 - Looks That Kill (Motley Crue)
02 - Anthrax - Next To You (The Police)
03 - Tesla - The Ocean (Led Zeppelin)
04 - Godhead vs Joolz - Desire (U2)
05 - Skew Siskin - Jesse James (Cher)
06 - Deathline International - Wild Boys (Duran Duran)
07 - The Bronx Casket Co - Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
08 - Black Ingvars - Sexbomb (Tom Jones)
09 - Type O Negative - Summer Breeze (Seals & Crofts)
10 - Knorkator - All That She Wants (Ace Of Base)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 42
01 - Mandrake - Pictures Of You (The Cure)
02 - Dark At Dawn - Don't Pay The Ferryman (Chris De Burgh)
03 - Shining Fury - Highway Star (Deep Purple)
04 - Nickelback - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting (Elton John)
05 - Helmet - Army Of Me (Bjork)
06 - Los Los - Vamos A La Playa (La Bionda)
07 - Dokken - One (Harry Nilsson)
08 - Thee Ultra Bimboos - Were Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister)
09 - Guns N' Roses - Since I Don't Have You (The Skyliners)
10 - Avalon - Kyrie (Mr Mister)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 43
01 - Holy Mother - Holy Diver (Dio)
02 - Paradise Lost - Walk (Away) (The Smiths)
03 - Sodom - Hazy Shade Of Winter (Simon & Garfunkel)
04 - Black Ingvars - I Want It That Way (Backstreet Boys)
05 - Chastain - Barracuda (Heart)
06 - Vomitron - Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr)
07 - Blaze - Dazed And Confused (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Hubi Meisel - Send Me An Angel (Real Life)
09 - Helloween - From Out of Nowhere (Faith No More)
10 - Heaven's Cry - Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 44
01 - HammerFall - Back To Back (Pretty Maids)
02 - Joe Lynn Turner - Freedom (Jimi Hendrix)
03 - Coal Chamber feat Ozzy Osbourne - Shock the Monkey (Peter Gabriel)
04 - Therion - Summer Night City (Abba)
05 - Megadeth - Anarchy In The UK (Sex Pistols)
06 - Cinderella - Move Over (Janis Joplin)
07 - Pink Cream 69 - My Sharona (The Knack)
08 - Creed - I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper)
09 - It Dies Today - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
10 - Laos - More Than A Feeling (Boston)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 45
01 - Black Ingvars - Boom Boom Boom Boom (Vengaboys)
02 - Incubus - Turning Japanese (The Vapors)
03 - Susperia - Wild Child (WASP)
04 - Deftones - Night Boat (Duran Duran)
05 - Silver Fist - Hall of the Mountain King (Savatage)
06 - Manowar - An American Trilogy (Elvis Presley)
07 - Grave Digger - No Quarter (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Adagio - Fame (Irene Cara)
09 - Lions Share - I Don't Believe In Love (Queensryche)
10 - Helloween - Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 46
01 - Helloween - Faith Healer (Alex Harvey Band)
02 - Shinedown - Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)
03 - Nation - Waterloo (Abba)
04 - Joe Lynn Turner - We're An American Band (Grand Funk Railroad)
05 - Evergrey - I'm Sorry (Dilba)
06 - Tiamat - Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones)
07 - WASP - Somebody To Love (Jefferson Airplane)
08 - Creed - Riders On The Storm (The Doors)
09 - Sepultura - Angel (Massive Attack)
10 - Acid Drinkers - Satisfaction (Rolling Stones)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 47
01 - Elias Viljanen - Hello (Lionel Richie)
02 - Riot - Racing With The Devil On A Spanish Highway (Revisited) (Al Di Meola)
03 - Adagio - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
04 - Patrick Rondat - Vivaldi Tribute (Vivaldi)
05 - Helloween - Magnetic Fields (Jean Michel Jarre)
06 - The Black Crowes - Hard to Handle (Otis Redding)
07 - Jorn - Break It Up (Foreigner)
08 - Motorhead - Jumpin' Jack Flash (Rolling Stones)
09 - Heavens Gate - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Monty Python)
10 - Vince Neil - Set Me Free (The Sweet)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 48
01 - Kissexy - Detroit Rock City (Kiss)
02 - The 69 Eyes - You're Lost Little Girl (The Doors)
03 - Helloween - Space Oddity (David Bowie)
04 - Voivod - Astronomy Domine (Pink Floyd)
05 - Mago De Oz - Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)
06 - Gotthard - Mighty Quinn (Bob Dylan)
07 - Pretty Maids - Hard Luck Woman (Kiss)
08 - Running Wild - Revolution (The Beatles)
09 - Fair Warning - In The Ghetto (Elvis Presley)
10 - Racer X - Godzilla (Blue Oyster Cult)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 49
01 - Black Ingvars - Baby One More Time (Britney Spears)
02 - Pretty Maids - Please Don't Leave Me (Phil Lynott)
03 - Dkay.Com - Firestarter (The Prodigy)
04 - Vice - Proud Mary (CCR)
05 - Green Carnation - Six Ribbons (Jon English)
06 - Fozzy - Balls To The Wall (Accept)
07 - Thyrfing - Over The Hills And Far Away (Gary Moore)
08 - Megadeth - I Ain't Superstitious (Jeff Beck)
09 - Helloween - He's a Woman She's a Man (Scorpions)
10 - Beseech - Gimme Gimme Gimme (Abba)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 50
01 - Korn - Word Up (Cameo)
02 - Nightwish - The Phantom Of The Opera (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
03 - Shaaman - More (Sisters Of Mercy)
04 - Axxis - Good Times, Bad Times (Led Zeppelin)
05 - Hevein - Walk (Pantera)
06 - Bonfire - I'd Love You To Want Me (Lobo)
07 - Blind Guardian - Dont Talk To Strangers (Dio)
08 - Georgia Satellites - Hippy Hippy Shake (Swingin' Blue Jeans)
09 - Pride & Glory - Come Together (The Beatles)
10 - Hubi Meisel - Relax (Frankie Goes To Hollywood)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 51
01 - Failure - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
02 - Harem Scarem - You Shook Me All Night Long (AcDc)
03 - Helloween - White Room (Cream)
04 - Crematory - Temple Of Love (Sisters Of Mercy)
05 - Silent Force - All Guns Blazing (Judas Priest)
06 - Whitesnake - Day Tripper (The Beatles)
07 - Glow - Dancing Queen (Abba)
08 - Stratovarius - Kill The King (Rainbow)
09 - Coroner - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (The Beatles)
10 - Gamma Ray - Long Live Rock 'n' Roll (Rainbow)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 52
01 - Grave Digger - School's Out (Alice Cooper)
02 - Underground Moon - Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)
03 - Mundanus Imperium - Stargazer (Rainbow)
04 - House Of Lords - Can't Find My Way Home (Blind Faith)
05 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Hawkwind Medley (Hawkwind)
06 - Glenn Hughes - Nights In White Satin (The Moody Blues)
07 - Moonspell - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division)
08 - Zero Nine - River Deep Mountain High (The Supremes & The Four Tops)
09 - Angra - Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush)
10 - Saxon - Set Me Free (Sweet)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 53
01 - Lion's Share - The Day The Earth Caught Fire (City Boy)
02 - Midnight Sun - Ave Maria (Schubert)
03 - Axxis - The Four Horsemen (Aphrodite's Child)
04 - Shy - Devil Woman (Cliff Richard)
05 - Helloween - Locomotive Breath (Jethro Tull)
06 - Tarot - Mama (Genesis)
07 - Cydonia - Voices (Russ Ballard)
08 - Julliet - You Can Leave Your Hat On (Joe Cocker)
09 - Pink Cream 69 - Pinball Wizard (Elton John)
10 - Saigon Kick - Space Oddity (David Bowie)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 54
01 - Gorky Park - My Generation (The Who)
02 - Holy Mother - Your Song (Elton John)
03 - Hubi Meisel - The Sun Always Shines On TV (A-Ha)
04 - Freddy Curci - Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison)
05 - Slaughter - Rocky Mountain Way (Joe Walsh)
06 - Rage - Fast As A Shark (Accept)
07 - Bif Naked - Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
08 - Diablo - A View To A Kill (Duran Duran)
09 - Black Ingvars - Funny Funny (The Sweet)
10 - Motorhead - Enter Sandman (Metallica)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 55
01 - Iron Mask - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
02 - Bitch Alert - Video Killed The Radiostar (Buggles)
03 - Machine Head - Message In A Bottle (The Police)
04 - Saxon - Court Of The Crimson King (King Crimson)
05 - Silver Fist - Killer Of Giants (Ozzy Osbourne)
06 - Dominion - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
07 - Faster Pussycat - You're So Vain (Carly Simon)
08 - Vanden Plas - Kayleigh (Marillion)
09 - Pretty Maids - One Way To Rock (Sammy Hagar)
10 - Celestial Season - Vienna (Ultravox)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 56
01 - Megadeth - No More Mr. Nice Guy (Alice Cooper)
02 - Silence - Kids In America (Kim Wilde)
03 - Jorn - Just The Same (Jefferson Starship)
04 - Alien - Only One Woman (The Marbles)
05 - Sevendust - School's Out (Alice Cooper)
06 - Los Los - Macarena (Los Del Rio)
07 - Constantine - Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
08 - Pyogenesis - Africa (Toto)
09 - Helloween - Juggernaut (Frank Marino)
10 - Charisma - Money Money Money (Abba)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 57
01 - The Mooney Suzuki - Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf)
02 - Shy - It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (Rolling Stones)
03 - Morning - The Show Must Go On (Queen)
04 - Squealer - In Zaire (Johnny Wakelin)
05 - Trouble - Come Together (The Beatles)
06 - Black Ingvars - Genie In A Bottle (Christina Aguilera)
07 - Guns'N'Roses - Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones)
08 - Low Memory - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
09 - Saxon - Ride Like the Wind (Christopher Cross)
10 - Elixir - Toxic (Britney Spears)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 58
01 - Hubi Meisel - Broken Wings (Mr Mister)
02 - Acid Drinkers - Then She Kissed Me (The Beach Boys)
03 - Powerman 5000 - Good Times Roll (The Cars)
04 - Soundgarden - Come Together (The Beatles)
05 - Delirious - In A Gadda Da Vida (Iron Butterfly)
06 - Seventh Avenue - Burning Heart (Survivor)
07 - Mister Kite - Bloodsucker (Deep Purple)
08 - Theatre of Tragedy - You Keep Me Hanging On (Diana Ross & The Supremes)
09 - Finger Eleven - Walking In My Shoes (Depeche Mode)
10 - Vanden Plas - Kiss of Death (Dokken)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 59
01 - Megadeth - These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (Nancy Sinatra)
02 - At Vance - Logical Song (Supertramp)
03 - Jackyl - We're An American Band (Grand Funk Railroad)
04 - Gammay Ray - Gamma Ray (Birth Control)
05 - Paradox - S.O.S. (Abba)
06 - Motley Crue - Smokin' In The Boys Room (Brownsville Station)
07 - Stryper - Shining Star (Earth, Wind & Fire)
08 - Los Los - The Ketchup Song (Las Ketchup)
09 - White Lion - Radar Love (Golden Earring)
10 - Arthemis - I Wanna Rock (Twisted Sister)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 60
01 - Consortium Project - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
02 - Alcatrazz - Only One Woman (The Marbles)
03 - Volbeat - I Only Wanna Be With You (Bay City Rollers)
04 - Rob Rock - Eagle (Abba)
05 - Goldfinger - 99 Red Balloons (Nena)
06 - Helloween - All My Loving (The Beatles)
07 - Limp Bizkit - Home Sweet Home-Bittersweet Symphony (Motley Crue-The Verve)
08 - Stratovarius - Bloodstone (Judas Priest)
09 - Pink Cream 69 - We Will Rock You (Queen)
10 - Anthrax - I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 61
01 - Riot - Out In The Fields (Gary Moore)
02 - Sinergy - Invincible (Pat Benetar)
03 - Zebrahead - Wannabe (Spice Girls)
04 - Liv Kristine - Streets Of Philadelphia (Bruce Springsteen)
05 - Angry Anderson - Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf)
06 - Gotthard - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (The Beatles)
07 - Dee Snider - The Wanderer (Dion & The Belmonts)
08 - Hubi Meisel - Drive (The Cars)
09 - The Prowlers - The Voice (Ultravox)
10 - Vader - I Feel You (Depeche Mode)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 62
01 - Knorkator - Try Again (Aaliyah)
02 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Space Oddity (David Bowie)
03 - Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle (Harry Chapin)
04 - Faro - Dancing In The Dark (Bruce Springsteen)
05 - Celtika - Creep (Radiohead)
06 - Talisman - Frozen (Madonna).
07 - White Skull - Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Orgy - Blue Monday (New Order)
09 - Guild Of Ages - Hungry Like The Wolf (Duran Duran)
10 - Rough Silk - Pianoman (Billy Joel)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 63
01 - Lion's Share - A Touch Of Evil (Judas Priest)
02 - Relapsed - I Want It All (Queen)
03 - David Lee Roth - California Girls (The Beach Boys)
04 - Helloween - Hocus Pocus (Focus)
05 - Nightwish - Where Were You Last Night (Ankie Bagger)
06 - Sinner - Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)
07 - Type O Negative - Day Tripper (Medley) (The Beatles)
08 - Wraith - Let It Go (Def Leppard)
09 - Def Leppard - Action (The Sweet)
10 - Fear Factory - Cars (Gary Human)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 64
01 - Ambition - Waiting In My Dreams (Mr Mister)
02 - Pavic - Logical Song (Supertramp)
03 - Depressive Age - Small Town Boy (Bronski Beat)
04 - Rage - Truth Hits Everybody (The Police)
05 - Children Of Bodom - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
06 - Manowar - Nessun Dorma (Puccini)
07 - Vanden Plas - Gethsemane (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
08 - Bonfire - The Stroke (Billy Squier)
09 - Seven Witches - Flesh For Fantasy (Billy Idol)
10 - Hubi Meisel - Just Died In Your Arms Tonight (Cutting Crew)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 65
01 - Krokus - School's Out (Alice Cooper)
02 - Helloween - Cold Sweat (Thin Lizzy)
03 - The Donnas - Roll On Down The Highway (Bachman-Turner Overdrive)
04 - Nikolaj Steen - Tainted Love (Gloria Jones)
05 - Gallery - Blue (Eiffel 65)
06 - Los Los - Maria (Ricky Martin)
07 - Tapping The Vein - Cornflake Girl (Tori Amos)
08 - Celtika - The Final Countdown (Europe)
09 - Riot - Devil Woman (Cliff Richard)
10 - Lunatica - Hymn (Ultravox)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 66
01 - Midnight Sun - Seven Doors Hotel (Europe)
02 - Urge Overkill - Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon (Neil Diamond)
03 - Chevelle - It's No Good (Depeche Mode)
04 - Acid Reign - Hangin On The Telephone (Blondie)
05 - Seven Witches - Metal Daze (Manowar)
06 - Heaven's Gate - Animal (Dalbello)
07 - Little Angels - The First Cut Is The Deepest (Cat Stevens)
08 - Perpetual Fire - Call Me (Blondie)
09 - WASP - The Real Me (The Who)
10 - Joe Lynn Turner - Gimme Some Lovin' (Spencer Davis Group)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 67
01 - Slayer - Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf)
02 - Rough Cutt - Piece Of My Heart (Janis Joplin)
03 - Holy Moses - Fight for Your Right To Party (Beastie Boys)
04 - Dangerous Boys - It's My life (Bon Jovi)
05 - Van Halen - You Really Got Me (The Kinks)
06 - Saeko - My Way (Japanese Version) (Frank Sinatra)
07 - Lions Share - Flash In The Night (Secret Service)
08 - Dungeon - Hold The Line (Toto)
09 - Novembre - Stripped (Depeche Mode)
10 - Street Talk - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) (Journey)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 68
01 - Celtika - Big In Japan (Alphaville)
02 - InnerWish - Lonely Lady (Q5)
03 - Elis - Show Me Heaven (Maria McKee)
04 - Quiet Riot - Mama Weer All Crazee Now (Slade)
05 - Gotthard - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
06 - Seventh Avenue - Sailing (Rod Stewart)
07 - Lynch Mob - Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)
08 - Dragonslayer - Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor)
09 - My Dying Bride - Some Velvet Morning (Nancy Sinatra)
10 - Bad Habit - More Than A Feeling (Boston)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 69
01 - Hubi Meisel - Red Sector A (Rush)
02 - Pretty Maids - Far Far Away (Slade)
03 - Angtoria - Confide In Me (Kylie Minogue)
04 - Sonata Arctica - Fade To Black (Metallica)
05 - L7 - Hanging On The Telephone (Blondie)
06 - Mama's Boys - Mama Weer All Crazee Now (Slade)
07 - To Die For - In The Heat Of The Night (Sandra)
08 - Children Of Bodom - Oops I Did It Again (Britney Spears)
09 - Drive,She Said - Can't Get Enough (Bad Company)
10 - Seven Witches - The Chain (Fleetwood Mac)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 70
01 - Joe Stump's Reign Of Terror - Kill The King (Rainbow)
02 - Soul Doctor - Soul Doctor (Foreigner)
03 - Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die (Wings)
04 - Ratt - Back In Black (AcDc)
05 - Britny Fox - Hair Of The Dog (Nazareth)
06 - Spiral Tower - Chiquitita (Abba)
07 - Faith No More - I'm Easy (The Commitments)
08 - Deacon Street - Action (The Sweet)
09 - Mr. Big - Wild World (Cat Stevens)
10 - Thunder - Play That Funky Music (Wild Cherry)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 71
01 - Illdisposed - Slave (Master And Servants) (Depeche Mode)
02 - Poison - Cover Of The Rolling Stone (Dr Hook)
03 - H-Blockx - The Power (Snap)
04 - Night In Gales - Black Velvet (Alannah Myles)
05 - Blind Guardian - In A Gadda Da Vida (Iron Butterfly)
06 - Lacuna Coil - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
07 - Tierra Santa - Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelin)
08 - Spineshank - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles)
09 - Gamma Ray - It's A Sin (Pet Shop Boys)
10 - Breaking Benjamin - Who Wants To Live Forever (Queen)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 72
01 - Quo Vadis - Every Breath You Take (The Police)
02 - Snake Charmer - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
03 - Arthurkill - It's No Good (Depeche Mode)
04 - Perfect World - Out Of Bounds (Amanda Marshall)
05 - Between The Buried And Me - Bicycle Race (Queen)
06 - Warrant - Train, Train (Blackfoot)
07 - Arachnes - The Barber Of Seville (Rossini)
08 - Riot - Born To Be Wild (Steppenwolf)
09 - Skin - Hangin' On The Telephone (Blondie)
10 - Treat - Tush (ZZ Top)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 73
01 - Clawfinger - Manic Depression (Jimi Hendrix)
02 - Shinedown - Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
03 - Knorkator - With A little Help From My Friends (The Beatles)
04 - Trick Or Treat - The Neverending Story (Limahl)
05 - Atreyu - You Give Love A Bad Name (Bon Jovi)
06 - Heart - Alone (I-Ten)
07 - Between The Buried And Me - Kickstart My Heart (Motley Crue)
08 - Dope - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
09 - Cry Wolf - I Am The Walrus (The Beatles)
10 - Pretty Maids - Crazy Horses (The Osmonds)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 74
01 - Helloween - Mexican (Babe Ruth)
02 - Shadows Fall - Teas'n Pleas'n (Dangerous Toys)
03 - Mama's Boys - Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder)
04 - Vanishing Point - On The Turning Away (Pink Floyd)
05 - Gary Hoey - Pipeline (The Chantays)
06 - Racer X - Children Of The Grave (Black Sabbath)
07 - Thrice - Send Me An Angel (Real Life)
08 - Doro - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
09 - Perfect World - Do You Love (Natalie Imbruglia)
10 - Krokus - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Backman-Turner Overdrive)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 75
01 - L.A. Guns - Moonage Daydream (David Bowie)
02 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - I Am A Rock (Simon & Garfunkel))
03 - Skin - Should I Stay Or Should I Go (The Clash)
04 - Perfect World - Here With Me (Jennifer Paige)
05 - Warrant - Hair of the Dog (Nazareth)
06 - Between The Buried And Me - Cemetary Gates (Pantera)
07 - Trixter - Take The Long Way Home (Supertramp)
08 - Def Leppard - Waterloo Sunset (The Kinks)
09 - Black Ingvars - Gimme Gimme Gimme (Abba)
10 - Gary Hoey - California Dreamin' (The Mama's & The Papa's)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 76
01 - Firewind - Teenage Idol (Blackfoot)
02 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - The Letter (The Box Tops)
03 - Mannhai - Live Wire (Motley Crue)
04 - Steve Jones - Suffragette City (David Bowie)
05 - Hammerfall - Eternal Dark (Picture)
06 - Forcefield - Black Night - Strange Kind Of Woman (Deep Purple)
07 - Lostprophets - In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
08 - Beau Nasty - Love Potion #9 (The Coasters)
09 - Saxon - You've Got Another Thing Comin' (Judas Priest)
10 - Jackyl - I Am The Walrus (The Beatles)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 77
01 - Nevergreen - Strangelove (Depeche Mode)
02 - Def Leppard - When I'm Dead And Gone (McGuinness Flint)
03 - Forcefield - Sunshine Of Your Love (Cream)
04 - LA Guns - I Just Want To Make Love (To You) (Foghat)
05 - The Bang Gang - 20th Century Boy (T Rex)
06 - Metallica - Turn The Page (Bob Seger)
07 - Brother Firetribe - Mighty Wings (Cheap Trick)
08 - Irencros - The Show Must Go On (Queen)
09 - Trixter - Pump It Up (Elvis Costello)
10 - Deacon Street - Easy As It Seems (Kiss)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 78
01 - Holy Mother - You've Got Another Thing Comin' (Judas Priest)
02 - Concerto Moon - Hiroshima Mon Amour (Alcatrazz)
03 - Spoken - Time After Time (Cindy Lauper)
04 - Edenbridge - For Your Eyes Only (Sheena Easton)
05 - Forcefield - Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)
06 - Moonlight - Army Of Me (Bjork)
07 - Brighton Rock - Cocaine (Eric Clapton)
08 - Panzer X - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
09 - Shark Island - The Chain (Fleetwood Mac)
10 - Ancara - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 79
01 - Lord Divine - Desire (Ozzy Osbourne)
02 - Rammstein - Das Modell (Kraftwerk)
03 - Children Of Bodom - Talk Dirty To Me (Poison)
04 - Waltari - Julia (The Beatles)
05 - Alston - Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
06 - Silentium - Uninvited (Alanis Morisette)
07 - Between The Buried And Me - Malpractice (Faith No More)
08 - Helloween - Lay All Your Love on Me (Abba)
09 - Sebastian Bach - Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelin)
10 - Ozzy Osbourne - Woman (John Lennon)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 80
01 - Hammerfall - Breaking The Law (Judas Priest)
02 - Dangerous Toys - Feel Like Makin' Love (Bad Company)
03 - Van Halen - (Oh) Pretty Woman (Roy Orbinson)
04 - At Vance - Money, Money, Money (Abba)
05 - Throwdown - Baby Got Back (Sir Mix-A-Lot)
06 - Eidolon - Diary Of A Madman (Ozzy Osbourne)
07 - Skin - Express Yourself (Madonna)
08 - Gary Hoey - Peter Gunn (Henry Mancini)
09 - Lollipop Lust Kill - Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
10 - Armed Forces - Man On The Silver Mountain (Rainbow)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 81
01 - Perfect World - You'll Be Gone (Angela Ammons)
02 - Concerto Moon - Point Of Know Return (Kansas)
03 - Tarot - Locomotive Breath (Jethro Tull)
04 - Locomotive Breath - Can't Fake It (Target)
05 - Theatre Of Tragedy - Decades (Joy Division)
06 - Def Leppard - Rock On (David Essex)
07 - Vicious Rumors - Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
08 - Realm - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
09 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Bus Stop (The Hollies)
10 - Gothic Slam - Thunder And Lightning (Thin Lizzy)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 82
01 - Magnitude 9 - Flight Of Icarus (Iron Maiden)
02 - Westworld - Uninvited (Alanis Morisette)
03 - Gary Hoey - Wipe Out (The Surfaris)
04 - Bruce Dickinson - All The Young Dudes (David Bowie)
05 - Buckcherry - On The Road Again (Willie Nelson)
06 - Trixie - Wasted (Def Leppard)
07 - Perfect World - I Need You (LeAnn Rimes)
08 - From The Inside - Beautiful Goodbye (Amanda Marshall)
09 - Sargant Fury - Can't Get Enough (Bad Company)
10 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Sloop John B (The Beach Boys)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 83
01 - Crown Of Thorns - Don't Let Me Down (The Beatles)
02 - Def Leppard - No Matter What (Badfinger)
03 - Hammerfall - Run With The Devil (Heavy Load)
04 - Sebastian Bach - Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne)
05 - AION - O Fortuna (Carl Orff)
06 - Secret Smile - Go Your Own Way (Fleetwood Mac)
07 - Chimaira - Fascination Street (The Cure)
08 - It's Alive - Parasite (Kiss)
09 - La Guns - Wheels Of Steel (Saxon)
10 - Motley Crue - Helter Skelter (The Beatles)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 84
01 - Skid Row - Strength (The Alarm)
02 - Vision Divine - Take On Me (A-Ha)
03 - Biloxi - Mississippi Queen (Mountain)
04 - The Unseen - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
05 - Heaven's Gate - This Flight Tonight (Joni Mitchell)
06 - Warrant - Toys In The Attic (Aerosmith)
07 - Between The Buried And Me - Little 15 (Depeche Mode)
08 - The Black League - Hot Wheels (Hurriganes)
09 - Kingdome Come - Across The Universe (The Beatles)
10 - Rage - I Can't Control Myself (The Troggs)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 85
01 - Private Line - Live Wire (Motley Crue)
02 - Biss - Rock Me Amadeus (Falco)
03 - Keel - Because The Night (Patty Smith)
04 - Tad Morose - Knowing Me, Knowing You (Abba)
05 - Holy Soldier - Gimme Shelter (The Beatles)
06 - Devlin - White Wedding (Billy Idol)
07 - Novembre - Cloudbusting (Kate Bush)
08 - Dominoe - You Ain`t Seen Nothing Yet (Backman-Turner Overdrive)
09 - Twenty 4 Seven - Something (The Beatles)
10 - Anthrax - Exit (U2)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 86
01 - Concerto Moon - Too Much Love Will Kill You (Queen)
02 - LosLos - La Cucaraha (Ferrante & Teicher)
03 - Therion - Green Manalishi (Fleetwood Mac)
04 - Grave Digger - No Quarter (Led Zeppelin)
05 - Praying Mantis - All Day & All Of The Night (The Kinks)
06 - Graffiti - That's The Way (I Like It) (KC & The Sunshine Band)
07 - Def Leppard - Drive-In Saturday (David Bowie)
08 - Twisted Sister - Leader Of The Pack (The Shangri-las)
09 - Taz Taylor Band - Parisienne Walkways (Gary Moore)
10 - Sebastian Bach - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 87
01 - Hostile Intent - Deuce (Kiss)
02 - From The Inside - Relentless (Little River Band)
03 - Trixter - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Paul Simon)
04 - Paul Di'anno - Symphony Of Destruction (Megadeth)
05 - Rob Rock - Move On (Abba)
06 - Gary Hoey - Penetration (The Ventures)
07 - Lillian Axe - My Number (Girl)
08 - Catamenia - I Wanna Be Somebody (WASP)
09 - Crease - Too Late For Love (Def Leppard)
10 - Stir - Teenage Wastland (The Who)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 88
01 - Reverend - Fortunate Son (CCR)
02 - Sebastian Bach - Children Of The Damned (Iron Maiden)
03 - Kick Axe - The Chain (Fleetwood Mac)
04 - Def Leppard - Little Bit Of Love (Free)
05 - Umbra Et Imago - Rock Me Amadeus (Falco)
06 - Wasp - Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
07 - Forcefield - Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
08 - Twinball - Don't Pay the Ferryman (Chris de Burgh)
09 - Corruption Inc - Frozen (Madonna)
10 - Ceti - Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Judy Garland)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 89
01 - LA Guns - Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)
02 - Warrant - Hollywood (Thin Lizzy)
03 - Audiosmog - Chihuahua (DJ Bobo)
04 - Domain - Stormbringer (Deep Purple)
05 - Quiet Riot - All Day & All Of The Night (The Kinks)
06 - Tesla - Games People Play (Joe South)
07 - Dishwalla - Policy Of Truth (Depeche Mode)
08 - Morse, Portney, George - Where the Streets Have No Name (U2)
09 - The Wildhearts - Cheers (Gary Portney)
10 - Ektomorf - Fuel My Fire (The Prodigy)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 90
01 - Skin - Dog Eat Dog (Adam & The Ants)
02 - Celtika - Bloody Tears (Konami)
03 - 1st Avenue - I Still Believe In You (Vince Neil)
04 - Nickelback - We Will Rock You (Queen)
05 - The Bronx Casket Co. - Jump In The Fire (Metallica)
06 - Illusion Suite - The Neverending Story (Limahl)
07 - La Guns - Hurdy Gurdy Man (Donovan)
08 - Forty Winks - Hangin' On The Telephone (Blondie)
09 - Defiance - Killers (Iron Maiden)
10 - Lana Lane - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 91
01 - Demons And Wizards - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
02 - Morning Wood - Desperado (The Eagles)
03 - Corrosion Of Conformity - The Green Manalishi (With The Two-Pronged Crown) (Fleetwood Mac Cover)
04 - Jorn - On And On (Michael Schenker Group)
05 - Opeth - Soldier Of Fortune (Deep Purple)
06 - Midnite Club - Wild Boys (Duran Duran)
07 - Johan Randen - Guantanamera (Celia Cruz)
08 - Silver Fist - Come Out And Play (Twisted Sister)
09 - HSAS - A Whiter Shade Of Pale (Procol Harum)
10 - Rekuiem - Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 92
01 - From The Inside - Damn (LeAnn Rimes)
02 - Bon Jovi - The Boys Are Back In Town (Thin Lizzy)
03 - Blockbusters - Crazy Horses (The Osmonds)
04 - La Guns - Search And Destroy (Iggy Pop)
05 - Eidolon - The Oath (Mercyful Fate)
06 - Skin - Pump It Up (Elvis Costello)
07 - Girls Under Glass - Frozen (Madonna).mp3 (6.9 megabyte)
08 - Lord Divine - Take The Time (Dream Theater)
09 - ESP - Goin' Blind (Kiss)
10 - Ace Frehley - Do Ya (Electric Light Orchestra)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 93
01 - Gods Tower - The Final Countdown (Europe)
02 - Waltari - Help (The Beatles)
03 - Neglected Fields - Breathe (The Prodigy)
04 - Between The Buried And Me - Blackened (Metallica)
05 - Hatesphere - Ill Will (D.A.D)
06 - Black Messiah - Moskau (Genghis Kahn)
07 - Grave - Them Bones (Alice In Chains)
08 - Thy Disease - Frozen (Madonna)
09 - In Blackest Velvet - Losing my Religion (R.E.M)
10 - Supuratiom - Shout (Tears For Fears)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 94
01 - Skid Row - C'mon And Love Me (Kiss)
02 - Dungeon - Wasted Years (Iron Maiden)
03 - Bathory - I'm Only Sleeping (The Beatles)
04 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - I Want You (Bob Dylan)
05 - Perfect World - Someday Soon (Angela Ammons)
06 - Pretty Boy Floyd - It's Still R&R To Me (Billy Joel)
07 - Mago De Oz - Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Judy Garland)
08 - Jorn - Kill The King (Rainbow)
09 - Andy Taylor - Lola (The Kinks)
10 - Joal - Barracuda (Heart)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 95
01 - The Meads Of Asphodel - What A Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
02 - Def Leppard - Hell Raiser (Sweet)
03 - Forcefield - You Really Got Me (The Kinks)
04 - Stevie Rachelle - All Out Of Love (Air Supply).mp3 (5.18 megabyte)
05 - Deadsy - Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
06 - Silver Fist - Princess Of The Night (Saxon)
07 - Silver - China Girl (David Bowie)
08 - Black Earth - Set Me Free (Sweet)
09 - Skin - Good, Good Lovin' (Vanilla Fudge)
10 - Gwar - School's Out (Alice Cooper)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 96
01 - Norther - The Final Countdown (Europe)
02 - Desperado - Heart Of Saturday Night (Tom Waite)
03 - WASP - I Don?t Need No Doctor (Humble Pie)
04 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - For No One (The Beatles)
05 - Place Of Skulls - Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood (The Animals)
06 - Fastback - Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)
07 - Sebastian Bach - Jacob's Ladder (Rush)
08 - CJSS - Locomotive Breath (Jethro Tull)
09 - Living Colour - 17 Days (Prince)
10 - Blockbusters - Elected (Alice Cooper)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 97
01 - Galatic Cowboys - I Want You (Kiss)
02 - Def Leppard - Hanging On The Telephone (Blondie)
03 - Quiet Riot - Highway To Hell (AcDc)
04 - Danger Danger - Time In A Bottle (Jim Croce)
05 - Perfect World - Just Like a Pill (Pink)
06 - Dr Sin - Doctor Doctor (UFO)
07 - Andy Taylor - Sympathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones)
08 - Trixter - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AcDc)
09 - Intruder - 25 Or 6 To 4 (Chicago)
10 - Exodus - Bitch (The Rolling Stones)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 98
01 - Tourniquet - Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac)
02 - Warrant - Surrender (Cheap Trick)
03 - Concerto Moon - Smooth Dancer (Deep Purple)
04 - Los Los - Ilarie (Las Chicas)
05 - Adam Bomb - All The Young Dudes (Mott The Hoople)
06 - Vixen - Suffragette City (David Bowie)
07 - Ill Nino - Zombie Eaters (Faith No More)
08 - Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers - Mississippi (Pussycat)
09 - Vanden Plas - Point Of Know Return (Kansas)
10 - Baltimoore - Samurai (Michael Schenker Group)

Metal-Hard Rock Covers 99
01 - Between The Buried And Me - Territory (Sepultura)
02 - Joe Lynn Turner - The Boys Are Back In Town (Thin Lizzy)
03 - Def Leppard - Space Oddity (David Bowie)
04 - Edge Of Sanity - Mother (Danzig)
05 - Dr Sin - Somebody Get Me A Doctor (Van Halen)
07 - Gary Hoey - Fun Fun Fun (The Beach Boys)
08 - Autograph - We're An American Band (Grand Funk Railroad)
09 - Iron Savior - Living After Midnight (Judas Priest)
10 - George Lynch - All Along The Watchtower (Bob Dylan)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 100
01 - La Guns - Nobody's Fault (Aerosmith)
02 - In The Woods - White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane)
03 - Derek Sherinian - In The Summertime (Mungo Jerry)
04 - Pretty Maids - Det Bedste Til Mig Og Mine Venner (Gasolin')
05 - Joe Lynn Turner - Waiting For A Girl Like You (Foreigner)
06 - Jorn - Cold Sweat (Thin Lizzy)
07 - Lana Lane - Wooden Ships (Jefferson Airplane)
08 - Fu Manchu - Godzilla (Blue Oyster Cult)
09 - Shaw-Blades - I Am A Rock (Simon & Garfunkel)
10 - Morning Wood - Love Hurts (The Everly Brothers)
11 - Lord Divine - Beat It (Michael Jackson)
12 - Eternya - Papa Don't Preach (Madonna)
13 - Raunchy - From Out Of Nowhere (Faith No More)
14 - 7thorns - De Forste K?rester Pa Manen (Tv 2)
15 - Ynis Vitrin - One Of Us (Joan Osbourne)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 101
01 - Sebastian Bach - TNT (AcDc)
02 - Ariadna Project - More Than Meets The Eye (Europe)
03 - Warrant - Suffragette City (David Bowie)
04 - Crown Of Thorns - My Sweet Lord (George Harrison)
05 - Slaughter - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting (Elton John)
06 - Blockbusters - Ballroom Blitz (Sweet)
07 - Poison - We're An American Band (Grand Funk Railroad)
08 - The Lovecrave - The Chaffeur (Duran Duran)
09 - Mago De Oz feat. Doro - Man On The Silver Mountain (Rainbow)
10 - ROOT - Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beatles)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 102
01 - Forcefield - Carrie (Cliff Richard)
02 - Accept - Pomp And Circumstance (Edward Elgar)
03 - Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers - You're Still On My Mind (The Byrds)
04 - Baltimoore - Riff Raff (AcDc)
05 - Motley Crue - Lust For Life (Iggy Pop)
06 - Black Label Society - Heart of Gold (Neil Young)
07 - Evil Masquerade - Badinerie (Bach)
08 - Skin - Unbelievable (EMF)
09 - Jorn - Naked City (Kiss)
10 - Morning Wood - What's Goin' On (Marvin Gaye)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 103
01 - Ten Masked Men - Cry Me A River (Justin Timberlake)
02 - Diamond Dogs - You Can't Always Get What You Want (The Rolling Stones)
03 - Glory - Bolero (Ravel)
04 - Daniel Flores And Friends - Wild Frontiers (Gary Moore)
05 - Sultan - Fade To Black-No Leaf Clover (Metallica)
06 - Faith No More - I Started A Joke (Bee Gees)
07 - Baltimoore - Mississippi Queen (Mountain)
08 - Believer - Like A Song (U2)
09 - The Mad Ones - Mama, I'm Coming Home (Ozzy Osbourne)
10 - Confligo - Moonlight Shadow (Mike Oldfield)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 104
01 - Icarus Witch - Roses On White Lace (Alice Cooper)
02 - Lefay - Captain Howdy (Twisted Sister)
03 - Ten Masked Men - (Gold)
04 - Angra - Painkiller (Judas Priest)
05 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - See Emily Play (Pink Floyd)
06 - Perfect World - Between You and Me (Jennifer Paige)
07 - Damone - Wasted Years (Iron Maiden)
08 - Joe Lynn Turner - The Race Is On (Suzi Quatro)
09 - Break The Silence - Nightrain (Guns'N'Roses)
10 - Gary Hoey - Frankenstein (Edgar Winter)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 105
01 - Gary Hoey - Gotta Serve Somebody (Bob Dylan)
02 - Mendeed - The Thing That Should Not Be (Metallica)
03 - Entombed - The Ballad of Hollis Brown (Bob Dylan)
04 - Mago de Oz - Pensando En Ti (Dust In The Wind) (Kansas)
05 - Evergreen Terrace - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)
06 - Klank - I'll Wait (Van Halen)
07 - Andy Taylor - Don't Believe A Word (Thin Lizzy)
08 - Tribe Of Gypsies - I'm Your Man (Spencer Davis Group)
09 - Dark Angel - Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
10 - Our Lady Peace - Tomorrow Never Knows (The Beatles)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 106
01 - Ten Masked Men - Smooth Operator (Sade)
02 - Machine Head - Battery (Metallica)
03 - Damone - Everybody Wants You (Billy Squier)
04 - Joe Lynn Turner - Fool For Your Loving (Whitesnake)
05 - Evemaster - Wings Of Darkness (Tarot)
06 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Catch The Wind (Donovan)
07 - Girlschool - Fox On The Run (Sweet)
08 - Nordream - Battery (Metallica)
09 - Lana Lane - Long Long Way From Home (Foreigner)
10 - Bitch - The Bitch Is Back (Elton John)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 107
01 - Gotthard - Take It Easy (The Eagles)
02 - Silver Fist - Seasons In The Abyss (Slayer)
03 - Blockbusters - Jean Genie (David Bowie)
04 - Fozzy - Stay Hungry (Twisted Sister)
05 - Def Leppard - 10538 Overture (ELO)
06 - Gary Hoey - Surfin' USA (The Beach Boys)
07 - Buckcherry - Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) (Dramarama)
08 - Sugarless - Fire In The Sky (Ozzy Osbourne)
09 - Arch Rival - Revolution (The Beatles)
10 - Ensiferum - Lady In Black (Uriah Heep)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 108
01 - Lux Eterna - Mendelsohn March Metal (Mendelsohn)
02 - BlockBusters - Long Haired Lover (Jimmy Osmond)
03 - Van Halen - Happy Trails (Roy Rogers)
04 - Dr Sin - I Don't Need No Doctor (Humble Pie)
05 - Mastodon - Orion (Metallica)
06 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Flowers In The Rain (The Move)
07 - Shaw-Blades - California Dreamin' (The Mamas & The Papas)
08 - Concrete Jungle - Great Balls Of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis)
09 - Korn - Low Rider (War)
10 - Grass - Yesterday (The Beatles)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 109
01 - Silent Rage - Can't Get Her Out Of My Head (ELO)
02 - Division - Power Of The Night (Savatage)
03 - The Beautiful Mistake - Estranged (Guns'N'Roses)
04 - Sam Kinison - Highway To Hell (AcDc)
05 - Anthrax - Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun (Beastie Boys)
06 - Perfect World - I Believe in You (Amanda Marshall)
07 - Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers - The Man Comes Around (Johnny Cash)
08 - Stygma IV - 22 Acacia Avenue (Iron Maiden)
09 - Machine Head - Colors (Ice-T)
10 - Paul Gibert - Two Become One (Spice Girls)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 110
01 - LA Guns - Until I Get You (Hanoi Rocks)
02 - Mandrake - Fade To Black (Metallica)
03 - Amorphis - Light My Fire (The Doors)
04 - Sebastian Bach - Tonight's The Night (Neil Young)
05 - Brand New Sin - House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals)
06 - Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy (Bronski Beat)
07 - Heaven - Knockin' On Heavens Door (Bob Dylan)
08 - Judas Priest - Diamonds And Rust (Joan Baez)
09 - Morning Wood - Woman From Tokyo (Deep Purple)
10 - Between The Buried And Me - Geek USA (Smashing Pumpkins)
11 - Morbid - James Bond Theme (John Barry)
12 - Tomalo - Poison Heart (The Ramones)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 111
01 - Aerosmith - Train Kept A Rollin' (Tiny Bradshaw)
02 - Kingdom Come - And I Love Her (The Beatles)
03 - Ten Masked Men - Sex Bomb (Tom Jones)
04 - Primus - Behind My Camel (The Police)
05 - Atrocity - Der Mussolini (D.A.F)
06 - Fastway - Move Over (Janis Joplin)
07 - Savourey - Don't Believe A Word (Thin Lizzy)
08 - Replicants - Just What I Needed (The Cars)
09 - Harem Scarem - Surrender (Cheap Trick)
10 - Baltimoore - Rock Candy (Montrose)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 112
01 - Thunderstone - Diamonds And Rust (Joan Baez)
02 - Sugarcoma - [You Drive Me ] Crazy (Britney Spears)
03 - Van Halen - Where Have All the Good Times Gone! (The Kinks)
04 - Andy Taylor - Mustang Sally (Wilson Pickett)
05 - Tarantula - A Hard Day's Night (The Beatles)
06 - The Offspring - Next To You (The Police)
07 - Trixter - Terrible Lie (NIN)
08 - Misery - So Tired (Ozzy Osbourne)
09 - Shaw-Blades - Dance With Me (Orleans)
10 - Dr Sin - Dear Doctor (Rolling Stones)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 113
01 - Lefay - Strange Way (Kiss)
02 - Scorpions - Can't Explain (The Who)
03 - 7th Heaven - You Spin Me 'Round (Like A Record) (Dead Or Alive)
04 - Quo Vadis - Venus (Shocking Blue)
05 - Bulletboys - Rock Candy (Montrose)
06 - Darkseed - Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
07 - Proscriptor - I Ran (So Far Away) (A Flock Of Seagulls)
08 - 36 Crazyfists - Digging The Grave (Faith No More)
09 - Steve Sylvester - Heaven On Their Minds (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
10 - Gary Hoey - Low Rider (War)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 114
01 - Living Colour - Should I Stay or Should I Go (The Clash)
02 - Joan Jett - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Gary Glitter)
03 - Children of Bodom - Hellion (WASP)
04 - Mattson - Parisienne Walkways (Gary Moore)
05 - Quorthon - God Save The Queen (The Sex Pistols)
06 - Ensiferum - Breaking The Law (Judas Priest)
07 - Warrant - Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)
08 - Paul Dianno - Play That Funky Music (Wild Cherry)
09 - Bad 4 Good - Nineteen (Phil Lynott)
10 - Great White - Ready For Love (Bad Company)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 115
01 - Rage Against The Machine - Kick Out The Jams (MC5)
02 - Israelvis - SOS (Abba)
03 - Gary Hoey - Baja (The Surfaris)
04 - Forcefield - The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)
05 - Mago De Oz - Belfast (Boney M)
06 - Debauchery - Kings Of Metal (Manowar)
07 - Lana Lane - White Room (Cream)
08 - Chronica - For Whom The Bell Tolls (Metallica)
09 - Golant Pistons - Friday On My Mind (The Easybeats)
10 - Prototype - Metal Church (Metal Church)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 116
01 - Tribe Of Gypsies - Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac)
02 - Zakk Wylde - Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be (AcDc)
03 - Morse, Portney, George - Tuesday Afternoon (Moody Blues)
04 - The Poodles - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (Ultravox)
05 - Stramonio - Call Me (Blondie)
06 - Vains Of Jenna - Jumping Jack Flash (The Rolling Stones)
07 - Jorn - Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple)
08 - Shameless - Tomorrow (Kiss)
09 - Wind Wraith - Burning Love (Elvis Presley)
10 - Roxy Blue - Squeeze Box (The Who)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 117
01 - One Man Army And The Undead Quartet - He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask) (Alice Cooper)
02 - Glory - The Hall Of The Mountain King (Grieg)
03 - Lou Gramm - Tin Soldier (Small Faces)
04 - 1000 Homo DJ's - Supernaut (Black Sabbath)
06 - Rage - Yesterday(The Beatles)
07 - Soul Asylum - Sexual Healing (Marvin Gaye)
08 - In The Woods - Let There Be More Light (Pink Floyd)
09 - Fragile Hollow - Come Undone (Duran Duran)
10 - Anthrax - Cowboy Song (Thin Lizzy)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 118
01 - Tank - Crazy Horses (The Osmonds)
02 - Every Time I Die - I Used To Love Her (Guns'n'Roses)
03 - Joe Lynn Turner - Lost In Hollywood (Rainbow)
04 - Vanadium - Summer Of '69 (Bryan Adams)
05 - Perfect World - Broken (Angela Ammons)
06 - Thrice - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
07 - Wraith - Bang Your Head (Metal Health) (Quiet Riot)
08 - Van Canto - Battery (Metallica)
09 - The Last Hard Men - School's Out (Alice Cooper)
10 - Def Leppard - Stay With Me (Rod Stewart)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 119
01 - 7th Heaven - Rock Medley (Bon Jovi, Rush, Loverboy, Def Leppard, AcDc, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Scorpions, Whitesnake, Metallica, Ozzy)
02 - Edge Of Sanity - Helter Skelter (The Beatles)
03 - Sebastian Bach - I Dont Know (Ozzy Osbourne)
04 - Boney Nem - Words (F.R. David)
05 - Ten Masked Men - Message In A Bottle (The Police)
06 - Morning Wood - Love The One You're With (Stephen Stills)
07 - Bathory - Ace Of Spades (Motorhead)
08 - Infliction - The Voice (Ultravox)
09 - Motley Crue - White Punks On Dope (The Tubes)
10 - After Hours - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 120
01 - Iron Maiden - Doctor Doctor (UFO)
02 - Replicants - Dirty Work (Steely Dan)
03 - Faith No More - Midnight Cowboy (Henry Mancini)
04 - Dr Sin - Rock 'N' Roll Doctor (Black Sabbath)
06 - Debauchery - You Got Me Rocking (The Rolling Stones)
07 - Red Wine - Wasted Time (Skid Row)
08 - Gary Moore - Friday On My Mind (The Easybeats)
09 - Kevin DuBrow - Speed King (Deep Purple)
10 - Earl Slick - Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke)
11 - Ragnarok (UK) - O Fortuna (Carl Orff)
12 - Akashic - Open Arms (Journey)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 121
01 - Hallow's Eve - Sheer Heart Attack (Queen)
02 - Trixter - Revolution (The Beatles)
03 - Gamma - Something In The Air (Thunderclap Newman)
04 - Chimaira - Disposable Heroes (Metallica)
05 - Gary Hoey - Misirlou (Dick Dale)
06 - Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Daydream Believer (The Monkees)
07 - Warrant - Down Payment Blues (AcDc)
08 - Faith And The Muse - Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush)
09 - Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers - Rocky Mountain High (John Denver)
10 - Samael - I Feel You (Depeche Mode)
Metal-Hard Rock Covers 122
01 - Terroristars - I Don't Know (Ozzy Osbourne)
02 - Ozzy Osbourne - Working Class Hero (John Lennon)

Формат: MP3
Битрейт аудио: VBR 192-320 kbps
Продолжительность: 85:42:07

Продолжение" - збирався скористатися, але не знайшов нічого цікавого. - трекер, де напряму можна качати серіали з українською озвучкою (зразу від тих, хто цю озвучку здійснює).

Miklos | 01.09.09 15:40:41 | #

лінки то харашо, але та копіпаста була піздєц зайвою

Змучений Циба | 01.09.09 15:49:06 | #

ну йопт, ти шо, забалєл шолі?

unembrace | 01.09.09 15:51:08 | #

Miklos | 01.09.09 15:49:50 | #

знаю за цей сайт, люблю укр дубляж, але шє нічого звідти не тянув

lajlubeclobo | 21.09.09 09:41:48 | #

трекер нормальний.
автор - витри піну))))

п.с. до автора: правильно має бути - "українською мовою". а не "на українській")