Aphex Twin - electronic, ambient, experimental
| 43
| Розділ: Музичні релізи | 17 січня 2009 16:17
Ріджарда Девіда Джеймса, засновника Афекс Твин називають найбільш винахідливою та найвпливовішою постаттю у сучасній електронній музиці.
Будучи підлітком він створив сотні композицій для власного задоволення. Розробляв власні синтезатори у віці 13 років і записував свій матеріал вже у 14. Зараз його вважають генієм свого часу.
Цитата з http://www.aphextwin.nu/learn/98770881649888.shtml
Aphex Twin's music may be described simply as fusing highly imaginative, emotional electronic music with a decidedly experimental edge, but this only begins to describe it. Aphex Twin is one of the great unheralded genuis' of our time, easily as important to electonica/techno as the Beatles are to rock, as Miles Davis and John Coltrane are to Jazz, and as Mozart and Stravinsky are to classical. In fact, Aphex Twin has been compared to Mozart. He has claimed that his major influence is Karlheinz Stockhausen's first record, and bears little resemblance to anyone else. He can be hard and abrasive, soft and beautiful, or incomparably experimental, sometimes all at once. He has pop(softer tracks)and rock(harder tracks)appeal, and
demonstrates the complexity of traditional classical and the minimalism of modern classical, while retaining the freedom of structure of jazz. Why this man isn't a household name is a wonder to me. Never marketed to a high degree, no one deserves to be heard more than Aphex Twin. I promise that if you have an open mind and love great music, Aphex Twin will reward you with a listening pleasure like none you have ever experienced. Your heart, mind and body will merge, and you will realize that you are in the presence of a one-of-a-kind genius.
Tagged as:
electronic, idm, ambient, experimental, electronica, acid house
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